Saturday, August 28, 2010


OST from They Kiss Again...

不禁想起 長髮飄逸的你

從沒想過 那麼心痛以後
從沒想過 離開傷心以後

我要加緊腳步 加緊腳步 對你說...

guan yu lan tian de you yu
wo xiang liao jie fen xi
que bu jing fen xin
bu jin xiang qi chang fa piao yi de ni
guan yu ni gei de hui yi
wo xiang ni ye xiang bu qi
zhi yin wei suo yi
you zi zhi zhi ming
wo zhi gan yuan yuan wang zhe ni

cong mei xiang guo na me xin tong yi hou
ni hai shi pei zai wo sheng ming zhong
zui kong xu de shi hou
wo fang fu hui dao na gan dong
cong mei xiang guo li kai shang xin yi hou
wo zhong yu neng gou dang ni mian qian
yong gan de dui ni shuo chu kou
ni ceng jing rang wo xin dong

guan yu lan tian de you yu
wo xiang liao jie fen xi
que bu jing fen xin
bu jin xiang qi chang fa piao yi de ni
guan yu ni gei de hui yi
wo xiang ni ye xiang bu qi
zhi yin wei suo yi
you zi zhi zhi ming
wo zhi gan yuan yuan wang zhe ni

cong mei xiang guo na me xin tong yi hou
ni hai shi pei zai wo sheng ming zhong
zui kong xu de shi hou
wo fang fu hui dao na gan dong
cong mei xiang guo li kai shang xin yi hou
wo zhong yu neng gou dang ni mian qian
yong gan de dui ni shuo chu kou
ni ceng jing rang wo xin dong

wo yao jia jin jiao bu jia jin jiao bu dui ni shuo...
ni ceng jing rang wo xin dong

黃文星 Huang WengSing - 億萬克拉的幸福 [Yi Wan Ke La De Xing Fu] [Hundred Million Carats of Happiness]

黃文星 Huang WengSing - 億萬克拉的幸福 [Yi Wan Ke La De Xing Fu] [Hundred Million Carats of Happiness]
Drama: 我的億萬麵包/Love or Bread
Songwriter: 紀佳松 Ji JiaSong (Blue J)
Lyricist: 陳信延 Chen XinYan
Pin Yin and Translation Credit: tammiest

Oooh yeah 有沒有值一萬美金
你 bling bling 的眼睛
Baby 白麵包開水也溫馨

我的人生 一步一步
因為你的愛 是我暴增的收入
你的生命 一步一步

一千遍的 I believe
Oooh yeah 遇見你我十分幸運
你 bling bling 的眼睛
Baby 白麵包開水也溫馨

我的人生 一步一步
因為你的愛 是我暴增的收入
你的生命 一步一步

Yi qian ju de wo ai ni
Neng bu neng huan yi qian ke zuan shi
Yi wan ju de wo xiang ni
Oooh yeah You mei you zhi yi wan Mei jin
Ni bling bling de yan jing
Liang guo tian shang de man tian xing
Pin qiong ye neng guo de tian mi
Ke bu ke yi qin qin ni shou xin
Xie Xie ni ping fan de ai qing
Baby Bai mian bao kai shui ye wen xin

Wo de ren sheng Yi bu yi bu
Kuai bian cheng di qiu shou fu
Yin wei ni de ai Shi wo bao zeng de shou ru
Ni de sheng ming Yi bu yi bu
You yong bu wan de cai fu
Yin wei ni you wo yi wan ke la de xing fu

Yi qian bian de I believe
Neng bu neng huan yi ju wo yuan yi
Yi wan zhi yi de ji lu
Oooh yeah Yu jian ni wo shi fen xing yun
Ni bling bling de yan jing
Liang guo tian shang de man tian xing
Pin qiong ye neng guo de tian mi
Ke bu ke yi qin qin ni shou xin
Xie Xie ni ping fan de ai qing
Baby Bai mian bao kai shui ye wen xin

Wo de ren sheng Yi bu yi bu
Kuai bian cheng di qiu shou fu
Yin wei ni de ai Shi wo bao zeng de shou ru
Ni de sheng ming Yi bu yi bu
You yong bu wan de cai fu
Yin wei ni you wo yi wan ke la de xing fu

A thousand times "I love you"
Can they be exchanged for a thousand diamonds?
Ten thousand times "I'm thinking of you"
Oooh yeah, Are they worth ten thousand US dollars?
Your shining (bling bling) eyes
Are brighter than an entire sky of stars
You can live sweetly, happily, even when you're poor
Can I kiss the palm of your hand
And thank you for your "ordinary" love?
Baby, white bread and tap water can also be heartwarming

My life, Step by step
I've nearly become the world's richest man
Because your love Is my skyrocketing income
In your life, Step by step
You have unexhaustible wealth
Because you have my hundred million carats of happiness

A thousand times "I believe"
Can they bring me one phrase: "I do"
The probability's one in hundreds of millions
Oooh yeah, I was extremely lucky to meet you
Your shining (bling bling) eyes
Are brighter than an entire sky of stars
You can live sweetly, happily, even when you're poor
Can I kiss the palm of your hand
And thank you for your "ordinary" love?
Baby, white bread and tap water can also be heartwarming

My life, Step by step
I've nearly become the world's richest man
Because your love Is my skyrocketing income
In your life, Step by step
You have unexhaustible wealth
Because you have my hundred million carats of happiness

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The sequel of It Started With A Kiss begins with Xiang Qin and Zhi Shu's wedding and honeymoon. Even after marriage, they experience problems and interferences within their marriage such as mistaken pregnancy, misunderstandings, and a run-in with a girl from Zhi Shu's past . Xiang Qin and Zhi Shu switch to medical school to become nurse and doctor. During that time, Zhi Shu meets new rivals who wish to outdo him and Xiang Qin makes four new friends, and one of them likes her and wishes to replace Zhi Shu . How will their lives turn out to be?

湘琴是一個單純開朗的高中女學生,自從在開學典禮上看見代表新生致詞的江直樹後,便不由自主地喜歡上這個號稱 IQ 200 的超級天才少年。
號稱全台灣第一的天才直樹幾乎沒有任何事能難得倒他,所有事情總在他掌握之中,然而湘琴的出現就像一個失控的龍捲風,將他原有的生活搞 得天翻地覆,但湘琴不顧一切、勇往直前的那股傻勁卻也讓他開始思考自己的人生與未來,而湘琴對他的感情也在不知不覺中慢慢地滲入他心中 …
在父母與好友的推波助瀾,也在兩人合力解決直樹父親的企業難題之後,直樹終於接受湘琴,和她走入結婚的禮堂。而續集就從兩人的婚後展 開,我們看到了湘琴如何一點一滴學好為人妻的角色,也知道了愛情付出的真正意義,是將兩人的愛結合,去幫助更多需要幫助的人 …所以直樹學醫,湘琴想當護士 …
當然這過程有許多因為湘琴迷糊而產生的危機與趣味,然而最後我們也看到了直樹如何保護自己最鍾愛的妻子,兩人也傳出了即將有寶寶的喜 訊...

22-27 歲, IQ200 的超級天才,聰明英俊、十項全能,幾乎沒有任何事情能夠難得倒他,但也因為太聰明,對他來說所有事情都能輕易達成,而覺得人生缺乏目標。在接觸湘琴後逐漸 打開心防,找到了從醫的人生方向,更接受了湘琴的感情,兩人尚未畢業就成婚,無俚頭的新婚妻子湘琴,又會給自己帶來什麼考驗呢?

袁湘琴林依晨 22-21 歲,心地善良,樂觀有耐性,但頭腦不好、笨手笨腳,常把事情搞砸。高一開學典禮時就對直樹一見鍾情。高三時向直樹表白,卻被狠狠拒絕。 才想說服自己別再喜歡直樹的她沒料到家在地震屋垮後,與爸爸遷入江家,湘琴就此和直樹展開同住在一個屋簷下的新生活。雖然因為直樹冷漠的態度,加上自己的 笨拙常為直樹帶來麻煩,而使得湘琴好幾次都想要放棄離開,但最後都因為直樹態度上的些微轉變,而繼續鼓足勇氣,朝前邁進。終於和心中的偶像直樹結婚了!

40~45 歲,直樹的母親,家庭主婦,個性有些無厘頭、喜歡熱鬧、極愛拍照。和湘琴十分投緣,所以用盡一切手段想撮合湘琴和直樹。常常偽裝到直樹的學校去探聽直樹和 湘琴的情況,或散佈兩人在一起的消息,不過她的偽裝常被其他人看穿。愛子心切的阿利嫂總以自己認為最好的方式去安排孩子的人生,結果反而造成直樹的反彈, 為母子埋下衝突的引信。可愛的湘琴成為了自己的媳婦,企劃已久的兩家人大融合果真實現了,要如何營造一個完美的愛的小屋,是阿利嫂每天盡心盡力的功課 ...

江裕樹章柏翰 9-11 歲,直樹的弟弟,聰明可愛,極度崇拜哥哥直樹,最大心願是在直樹繼續父親的公司後,擔任哥哥的助手。不太瞧得起太笨的人,對湘琴也沒有好臉色。將湘琴當作 暑假作業的研究對象,時常注意湘琴又做了什麼蠢事,但漸漸地也被湘琴那股傻勁和真誠所感動。逐漸成長的裕樹,也開始接觸男女之間的情感,遇到了宛如湘琴縮 小版女同學-好美,懵懵懂懂的裕樹,該接受好美嘛?

約 40~45 歲,直樹的父親,潘達玩具公司的老闆,個性和善慈祥、有義氣。一心希望直樹能進入自己的母校台大就讀,畢業後繼承自己的公司。

約 40~45 歲,湘琴的父親,「幸福小館」餐廳的老闆,做菜手藝一流,和直樹的父母親是國中時的好朋友。早年喪妻後獨自扶養湘琴長大,對湘琴做菜、家事樣樣不行耿耿於 懷,認為是自己沒把她教好。

阿金飛輪海 汪東城
琴的同班同學,腦筋不太靈光,但運動神經發達。從高一就喜歡湘琴,最大心願是和湘琴結婚。為了能夠及早和湘琴攜手共創美麗家園,高中畢業後 沒有再升學,白天在學校餐廳工作,晚上則到「福吉」擔任學徒。續集最大的劇情張力,就是阿金邂逅了克莉斯汀,原本不喜歡人家的他,漸漸也被對方的純真所感 動,結束了長年對湘琴的愛戀。

富家千金,因為景仰直樹的能力和風采,而選擇進入斗南大學就讀理工學院。聰明美麗、能力極強的子瑜和湘琴總是不怎麼對盤,每次見面必吵,但 當兩人最後面對情敵大泉企業千金的強力威脅時,卻又能同心協力。雖然極喜歡直樹,卻也是個拿得起、放得下的率性女子。

阿布飛輪海 炎亞綸
純美的男朋友,雖然愛純美,卻又受制於母親的威嚴,很多事裹足不前,最後在湘琴的鼓勵與刺激之下,決定為了自己的愛情爭取幸福,也得到母親 的認可。

琴高中同學,與留農同是湘琴的好姊妹,個性溫柔害羞,但若是湘琴受了委屈,一定努力出氣到底。大學認識了多金公子阿布,展開一段浪漫夢幻的 愛情故事,卻在畢業前發現懷孕,提前來到的婆媳拉鋸戰,有了好友湘琴的推波助瀾,有許多爆笑、溫馨也感人的小插曲。

留農劉容嘉 湘琴高中同學,是湘琴好姊妹,個性爽朗有一些大姐頭氣息,跟純美一起默默保護著湘琴,雖然總是出些餿主意,但善良只為湘琴的出發點,總 讓人狠不下心責備。

歐陽幹唐禹哲 琴護理系同學,長相清秀亮眼,容易被誤認為女生,總是喜歡以挖苦同學為樂,其實心裡十分關心身邊的人,入護理系的目標就是能再戴帽式時穿上 一身白衣,戴上象徵南丁格爾的護士帽為大家宣誓。

曾妮娜閃亮三姊妹 江佩珍 湘琴護理系同學,身材火辣個性開朗,是大家眼中的開心果,一次聯誼迷倒醫學系怪人傳津,對自己展開熱烈追求,當只會讀書當解剖是興趣的宅男遇到生活五花十 色的花蝴蝶,一對歡喜冤家會有什麼樣的結局?
楊啟太曾少宗 湘琴護理系同學,個性正直到不行,認為護理人員有一份神聖的使命,以照顧好病人為唯一的宗旨,當看到湘琴被直樹忽略時的悲傷,心裡油然而生 「保護她」的信念,卻在了解兩人濃厚感情不可能有第三個人干涉後靜靜退出,成了永遠保護湘琴最好的朋友。

羅智儀五熊 湘琴護理系同學,外表清秀小巧,說話輕聲細語,有著小公主般的氣息,對人十分溫柔體貼,是校園中的萬人迷,沒想到進入護理系的原因卻是可以 接觸大量的血及屍體,一見到血就會有莫名的衝動,眼中綻放極其興奮的光彩。

克莉斯汀瑞莎 自英國的交換學生,是個天真熱情、為了所愛勇往直前的可愛女孩,相似的個性使其與湘琴成為好朋友,對阿金一見傾心,努力學習如何做 一個傳統的中國女性,只為了獲得心愛人的青睞,屢敗屢戰不放棄的精神,終於敲開了阿金緊閉已久的心門。

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Postcripts To A BloodBath

Reposted from Pinknotes blog: PINKNOTES: Postcripts to a BloodBath

The following Postscripts is said to be written by a survivor in the hostage taking in a Hong Kong Tourist Bus by ex-cop Mr. Rolando Mendoza yesterday, August 23, 2010 in Quirino Grandstand Metro Manila, Philippines. The Hong Kong tourists were said to be visiting Manila Ocean Park that day, as they were going back to Hong Kong at 7:30 PM the same day.
What had happened saddened every Filipinos. Even my family condemned the system we had here in the Philippines. It all started with a bad treatment and dismissal by the force Mr. Mendoza is in to, the Philippine National Police. And as we all clearly saw, they also had a very very bad training as they tried to cease the hostage siege - it was soo slow and without specialized equipment. If only they took precautions, maybe it never last for 12 hours. If only they did not anticipate that everything is going to be alright. In times like this, we all have to lift everything to God. I hope no innocent people would be hurt and could die after this incident. I hope the domino effect that it will create is less bloody. May God always be with us all.

Postcripts To A BloodBath

Mr. Mendoza was already upset even before he saw on television what the policemen did to his brother. The other tourists who remained inside the bus were complaining. Wei Ji Jiang wanted to go to the bathroom. Dao Chi Yu was hungry and the rest were just groaning and whining like they have forgotten that our lives rest in Mr. Mendoza's hands.

The hostage taker, as you know him was really nice. He treated us okay and even let the elders and the children leave the bus. He said your policemen treated him unfairly. He was a policeman too and was accused of doing something he had no knowledge of. But your government didn't listen so he used us to get everyone's attention.

Things would have never turned for the worst if he didn't see how his family was dragged out of their house and taken into custody. He was watching the news all the time as we huddled around each other behind the bus. He shouted some words in your language then started shooting in the air. A girl about my age started screaming. Mr. Mendoza demanded her to stop but she didn't understand English. God, he had to slash her neck with a knife just to put her to rest. Her boyfriend who tried to hit him was shot in the head.

Tension was rising. You can see in his face how scared and confused he was. The bus driver ran away leaving him alone with strangers from a distant land. I can see him walking across the aisle, sometimes pointing his machine gun to one of the tourists. But he tried his best not to hurt us, especially those who really cooperate.

I guess its in your nature not to inflict pain on others unless it was necessary. I remember him saying that he will free us before sundown and implored us to forget everything when we return home. But his words don't matter now. The policemen were trying to force their way in, while we all lied down to shield ourselves from bullets. Mister Mendoza blindly shoots at his enemies which I think kept them from rescuing us. I hear sobs under the chairs. Some were even shouting the names of their loved ones even when the air merely eat their words. Kevin Tang tried to escape when the glass door was was shattered, but one shot and he slumped on the floor with blood gushing from his mouth.

Heavy rain pitter-pattered on the rooftop. In old Chinese saying, it means an end to a struggle. Finally, somebody was able to open the escape hatch at the back of the bus. Freedom. But I knew Mister Mendoza was still alive. I knew he was just waiting for a chance to strike back at his enemies. So I told those around me not to escape. Let the authorities come for us instead. Then there was gunfire. He was firing at his enemies with a machine gun. Those who were at the escape hatch fled abandoning us once again. It's like a nightmare with no end and to wake up means a certain death. Then somebody from outside the bus threw a canister. It forced out a black smoke that is so painful to the eyes and putrid smelling to the nose. People started screaming. We cannot breathe. Some ran in front of the bus but Mister Mendoza warned them of stray bullets. It was too late. One was hit on the head, the other was hit on the shoulders. Bullets were now flying. Its like the authorities thought we were all dead. Mister Mendoza finally admits his mistake and said sorry to everyone, dead or alive. He then ran towards the front of the bus where he would meet his maker. As he passed by my chair with bullets whistling overhead, I clutched my hand on the velvet curtain and wrapped it around my face. All I could think of was to stay alive - for my child who is waiting for me back in Xinjang. I know I will survive,
I will come home.
Bang Lu Min
Survivor, Quirino Bloodbath

Ah... the Hong Kong nationals only wanna see the beauty of our country, but what fate had brought them? May the souls of those who died rest in peace and may the souls of those concern in the incident be at peace to. God bless the Philippines. May God bless us all.

UPDATE: Hong Kong Goverment said on the Philippine Government:

" We will declare WAR to Philippines. Any FILIPINO stepped,

willing to step or still in HongKong will be punished to DEATH "

- Broadcast from CNN and BBC World.

As of today, August 24,2010
(Keep praying that this won't unfold.)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Yuan Xiang Quan isn't the best and brightest in her school. In fact, she and her fellow classmates are considered one of the worst. However,regardless of how poor her academics are, Yuan Xiang Quan can remain optimistic. Like most of the girls in her high school, she has been captured by the smartest and most handsome boy in her school. Jiang Zhi Shu is the smartest guy in the school and on top of that, he's incredibly handsome. One day, Yuan Xiang Quan decides to confess to him by handing him a love letter only to have him completely walk past her ignoring her very existence. Now the laughing stock of the school, Yuan hasn't even experienced the worst of her troubles. After moving into a new home with her dad, a small earthquake causes the little house to crumble to the ground. With nowhere to go, Yuan's father's best friend tells them to live with their family. In front of a grand house, the father and daughter ring the door bell. Who's there to answer the door? Well, let's just say it's Yuan's prince charming…

Ariel Lin played the part of Yuan Xiang Quan so well, rather the role suited her. Joe Cheng played Yuan's love interest, Jiang Zhi Shu. Since his role was an intelligent and cold guy who can accept things that aren't exactly perfect for him, he did it well. And of course he is very handsome. Jiro Wang plays Jin Yuan Feng who is a guy vying for Yuan's affections. He adds a good amount of humor to the series, and he has his sweet moments. Tiffany Xu plays Pei Zi Yu who's after Jiang. She's the opposite of Yuan. She's smart, athletic and she can do a lot more than Yuan can do. So between Yuan and Pei, there's a lot of rivalry adding to humor and drama of the series. The actors were fit for their roles, and the characters were all really enjoyable.

The series is 20 episodes long. It's a very good length for this type of drama.
The series provided good romance comedy as well as drama. It had one person seriously in love with the other and the other refusing to give in, and it had all the people fighting to break them apart as well as bring them together.

It Started With a Kiss is really good for anyone to watch. I don't think that many people would find it uninteresting, unless the person doesn't enjoy these little love stories with drama.

CREDITS: It Started with a Kiss Official Website

袁湘琴是一個單純開朗的高中女學生,自從在開學典禮上看見代表新生致詞的江直樹後,便不由自主地喜歡上這個號稱IQ 200的超級天才少年。經過兩年多無望的暗戀,她鼓足勇氣在學校中對他表白,卻遭到他無情的拒絕,更由於她的莽撞,一時間成了全校的笑柄。
然而屋漏偏逢連夜雨,就在湘琴告白被拒後,剛遷入的新家竟然被地震震垮了!眼看湘琴和相依為命的父親就要露宿街頭了,幸好父親的國 中好友阿利叔慷慨伸出援手,邀請父女兩人到他家中暫住,但是湘琴萬萬沒有想到,和藹可親的阿利叔竟然就是江直樹的父親!於是在這樣的機緣巧合下,兩個人就 此展開同在一個屋簷下的全新生活……


IQ200的超級天才,聰明英俊、十項全能,幾乎沒有任何事情能夠難得倒他,但也因為太聰明,對他來說所有事情都能輕易達成,而覺得人生缺乏目標。湘琴的 出現為直樹一向平靜無波的人生帶來了一連串脫軌的意外,而她履敗履戰的無畏精神更讓從不知失敗是何物的直樹不解,而慢慢地對她產生了興趣。同時,他也受到 湘琴單純的思考邏輯的影響,找到了從醫的人生目標…

心地善良,個性憨厚直接、樂觀有耐性,但頭腦不好,對家事更是一竅不通。然而儘管笨手笨腳,常把事情搞砸,卻還是努力不懈地朝目標前進。高一開學典禮時就 對代表新生致詞的直樹一見鍾情。高三時下定決心向直樹表白,卻被狠狠拒絕,才想說服自己別再喜歡直樹,沒料到父親和直樹的父親竟是多年好友,而父女兩人更 在地震震垮新屋後,遷入江家。湘琴就此和直樹展開同住在一個屋簷下的新生活…

 直樹的母親,家庭主婦,個性有些無厘頭、喜歡熱鬧、極愛拍照。和湘琴十分投緣,所以用盡一切手段想撮合湘琴和直樹。常常偽裝到直樹的學校去探聽直樹和湘琴 的情況,或散佈兩人在一起的消息,不過她的偽裝常被其他人看穿。愛子心切的阿利嫂總以自己認為最好的方式去安排孩子的人生,結果反而造成直樹的反彈,為母 子埋下衝突的引信。



直樹的弟弟,極度崇拜哥哥直樹,最大心願是在直樹繼續父親的公司後,擔任哥哥的助手。不太瞧得起太笨的人,對湘琴也沒有好臉色。將湘琴當作暑假作業的研究 對象,時常注意湘琴又做了什麼蠢事,但漸漸地也被湘琴那股傻勁和真誠所感動。在一次全家出遊時,目睹直樹偷親湘琴,是唯一一個知道直樹喜歡湘琴的人。













Sunday, August 22, 2010

pesteng pc ito!

nababanas na ako! di ako makapag upload ng pictures... di ko matuloy tuloy ang paggawa ko ng blog! anong saysay ng blog kung di ko mashshare ang pictures... nakakainis talaga...
pag naguupload ako palagi nlng nag hahang! peste talaga... kung may pera lang ako bumili na akong bgong laptop!!! excited pa naman ako sa paggawa ng blog about dr. jiang zhi shu!!! haaay nakakainis talaga!

xoxo, chec",

Saturday, August 21, 2010

你; Ni ; You by 林依晨 Ariel Lin

I want to share this song... this is one of the soundtrack from the series "they kiss again" ... I love this series so much... the story was very touching... very romantic... the actors were good... ariel lin and joe cheng were sooo good...  i love them both... jiang zhishu is very hot! :)

here is the lyrics...

Traditional Chinese
你 - 林依晨

風輕輕 我聽見你聲音
你對著我叮嚀 要注意自己的心情
雨輕輕 我聽見你聲音
你拿著傘靠近 為我遮著風擋著雨
你的愛很珍惜 我總依賴著你的記憶

你就像風在說話 順著我方向
你就像海中的波浪 堆著我成長
我明白你的回答 溫柔的對話
愛情其實沒有辦法 不被感動吧 我不說謊
Hanyu Pinyin
feng qing qing wo ting jian ni sheng yin
ni dui zhe wo ding ling yao zhu yi zi ji de xin qing
yu qing qing wo ting jian ni sheng yin
ni na zhe san kao jin wei wo zhe zhe feng dang zhe yu
yi dian dian xiang ku qi yi dian dian xiang zhe ni
ni de ai hen zhen xi wo zong yi lai zhe ni de ji yi

ni jiu xiang feng zai shuo hua shun zhe wo fang xiang
ni jiu xiang hai zhong de bo lang tui zhe wo cheng zhang
wo ming bai ni de hui da wen rou de dui hua
ai qing qi shi mei you ban fa bu bei gan dong ba wo bu shuo huang

xoxo, chec",

Friday, August 20, 2010

Alone 20 August 2010

huhuhu nakakainip... naiwan akong mag isa sa office... 1st shift sila kaya umuwi na sila... si benj nag 1st shift din kasi may lakad sila ni dhin... punta sila sa tesda para mag inquire... na cancel kasi yung supposed to be na lakad namin ni vanessa... ano kayang magawa... wala wala wala...
post ko nlng ang lalaking pinakamamahal ko hehehe... si jiang zhishu!

 haay ang gwapo nya talaga... sana future bf/husband ko kamukha nya hehe :)
di masamang mangarap ng gising... walang kokontra... ang kumontra ay panget! :p

xoxo, chec",

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mr. Supladito is now missing...

sabi ko na nga ba... seasonal lang talaga ang pagkagusto ko sa isang tao.. lalo na kung minsan minsan lang magparamdam... kung dati like na like ko si mr.supladito... ngayon ni hindi ko na sya naiisip... last convo namin nung tinawagan nya ako sa office... hinihingi nya ang resume ko kasi may openning daw sa kanila (nga pla hinanap ako as cherry ann tesorero... kamusta naman)... oo lang ako.. pero right now wala pa sa isip ko ang lumipat ng ibang company... ewan ko nakakatamad mag apply sa iba... tyaga tyaga muna... tapos last text nya sa akin sabi nya "musta buhay" di ako nakareply kasi wala akon load... I texted him on the next day... nakitext ako sa ka officemate ko... kaso wala na syang reply... almost 2 weeks na kami walang communication... but I am not affected at all... kasi cguro di naman sya consistent sa pag text sa akin kaya di ko sya hinahanap... at dahil dun madali ko na din sya nakalimutan hehehe...

-xoxo, chec",)