Yuan Xiang Quan isn't the best and brightest in her school. In fact, she and her fellow classmates are considered one of the worst. However,regardless of how poor her academics are, Yuan Xiang Quan can remain optimistic. Like most of the girls in her high school, she has been captured by the smartest and most handsome boy in her school. Jiang Zhi Shu is the smartest guy in the school and on top of that, he's incredibly handsome. One day, Yuan Xiang Quan decides to confess to him by handing him a love letter only to have him completely walk past her ignoring her very existence. Now the laughing stock of the school, Yuan hasn't even experienced the worst of her troubles. After moving into a new home with her dad, a small earthquake causes the little house to crumble to the ground. With nowhere to go, Yuan's father's best friend tells them to live with their family. In front of a grand house, the father and daughter ring the door bell. Who's there to answer the door? Well, let's just say it's Yuan's prince charming…
Ariel Lin played the part of Yuan Xiang Quan so well, rather the role suited her. Joe Cheng played Yuan's love interest, Jiang Zhi Shu. Since his role was an intelligent and cold guy who can accept things that aren't exactly perfect for him, he did it well. And of course he is very handsome. Jiro Wang plays Jin Yuan Feng who is a guy vying for Yuan's affections. He adds a good amount of humor to the series, and he has his sweet moments. Tiffany Xu plays Pei Zi Yu who's after Jiang. She's the opposite of Yuan. She's smart, athletic and she can do a lot more than Yuan can do. So between Yuan and Pei, there's a lot of rivalry adding to humor and drama of the series. The actors were fit for their roles, and the characters were all really enjoyable.
The series is 20 episodes long. It's a very good length for this type of drama.
The series provided good romance comedy as well as drama. It had one person seriously in love with the other and the other refusing to give in, and it had all the people fighting to break them apart as well as bring them together.
It Started With a Kiss is really good for anyone to watch. I don't think that many people would find it uninteresting, unless the person doesn't enjoy these little love stories with drama.
CREDITS: It Started with a Kiss Official Website
袁湘琴是一個單純開朗的高中女學生,自從在開學典禮上看見代表新生致詞的江直樹後,便不由自主地喜歡上這個號稱IQ 200的超級天才少年。經過兩年多無望的暗戀,她鼓足勇氣在學校中對他表白,卻遭到他無情的拒絕,更由於她的莽撞,一時間成了全校的笑柄。
然而屋漏偏逢連夜雨,就在湘琴告白被拒後,剛遷入的新家竟然被地震震垮了!眼看湘琴和相依為命的父親就要露宿街頭了,幸好父親的國 中好友阿利叔慷慨伸出援手,邀請父女兩人到他家中暫住,但是湘琴萬萬沒有想到,和藹可親的阿利叔竟然就是江直樹的父親!於是在這樣的機緣巧合下,兩個人就 此展開同在一個屋簷下的全新生活……
Ariel Lin played the part of Yuan Xiang Quan so well, rather the role suited her. Joe Cheng played Yuan's love interest, Jiang Zhi Shu. Since his role was an intelligent and cold guy who can accept things that aren't exactly perfect for him, he did it well. And of course he is very handsome. Jiro Wang plays Jin Yuan Feng who is a guy vying for Yuan's affections. He adds a good amount of humor to the series, and he has his sweet moments. Tiffany Xu plays Pei Zi Yu who's after Jiang. She's the opposite of Yuan. She's smart, athletic and she can do a lot more than Yuan can do. So between Yuan and Pei, there's a lot of rivalry adding to humor and drama of the series. The actors were fit for their roles, and the characters were all really enjoyable.
The series is 20 episodes long. It's a very good length for this type of drama.
The series provided good romance comedy as well as drama. It had one person seriously in love with the other and the other refusing to give in, and it had all the people fighting to break them apart as well as bring them together.
It Started With a Kiss is really good for anyone to watch. I don't think that many people would find it uninteresting, unless the person doesn't enjoy these little love stories with drama.
CREDITS: It Started with a Kiss Official Website
袁湘琴是一個單純開朗的高中女學生,自從在開學典禮上看見代表新生致詞的江直樹後,便不由自主地喜歡上這個號稱IQ 200的超級天才少年。經過兩年多無望的暗戀,她鼓足勇氣在學校中對他表白,卻遭到他無情的拒絕,更由於她的莽撞,一時間成了全校的笑柄。
然而屋漏偏逢連夜雨,就在湘琴告白被拒後,剛遷入的新家竟然被地震震垮了!眼看湘琴和相依為命的父親就要露宿街頭了,幸好父親的國 中好友阿利叔慷慨伸出援手,邀請父女兩人到他家中暫住,但是湘琴萬萬沒有想到,和藹可親的阿利叔竟然就是江直樹的父親!於是在這樣的機緣巧合下,兩個人就 此展開同在一個屋簷下的全新生活……
IQ200的超級天才,聰明英俊、十項全能,幾乎沒有任何事情能夠難得倒他,但也因為太聰明,對他來說所有事情都能輕易達成,而覺得人生缺乏目標。湘琴的 出現為直樹一向平靜無波的人生帶來了一連串脫軌的意外,而她履敗履戰的無畏精神更讓從不知失敗是何物的直樹不解,而慢慢地對她產生了興趣。同時,他也受到 湘琴單純的思考邏輯的影響,找到了從醫的人生目標…
心地善良,個性憨厚直接、樂觀有耐性,但頭腦不好,對家事更是一竅不通。然而儘管笨手笨腳,常把事情搞砸,卻還是努力不懈地朝目標前進。高一開學典禮時就 對代表新生致詞的直樹一見鍾情。高三時下定決心向直樹表白,卻被狠狠拒絕,才想說服自己別再喜歡直樹,沒料到父親和直樹的父親竟是多年好友,而父女兩人更 在地震震垮新屋後,遷入江家。湘琴就此和直樹展開同住在一個屋簷下的新生活…
直樹的母親,家庭主婦,個性有些無厘頭、喜歡熱鬧、極愛拍照。和湘琴十分投緣,所以用盡一切手段想撮合湘琴和直樹。常常偽裝到直樹的學校去探聽直樹和湘琴 的情況,或散佈兩人在一起的消息,不過她的偽裝常被其他人看穿。愛子心切的阿利嫂總以自己認為最好的方式去安排孩子的人生,結果反而造成直樹的反彈,為母 子埋下衝突的引信。
直樹的弟弟,極度崇拜哥哥直樹,最大心願是在直樹繼續父親的公司後,擔任哥哥的助手。不太瞧得起太笨的人,對湘琴也沒有好臉色。將湘琴當作暑假作業的研究 對象,時常注意湘琴又做了什麼蠢事,但漸漸地也被湘琴那股傻勁和真誠所感動。在一次全家出遊時,目睹直樹偷親湘琴,是唯一一個知道直樹喜歡湘琴的人。
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